
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Texas Flood Destroys President Bush's Library

När jag jobbade i kväll såg jag det här uppsatt på en anslagstavla. Kunde inte låta bli att citera.

"Crawford, Texas

A tragic flood this morning destroyed the personal library of President Bush.

The flood began in the presidential bathroom where both of the books were kept.

Both books have been lost.

A presidential spokesman said the president was devastated, since he was almost finished coloring the second one.

The White House tried to call FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), but there was no answer."

Man kan ju undra litet när man ser den här bilden också. :)


  1. Helt underbart!!!
    Love it! Bilden är helt priceless!!

  2. Oh vilken tragedi för Presidenten ;-)

  3. Annika: Visst är bilden med boken härlig. Man kan ju som sagt undra.

    Thy: I think there are many, many Bush jokes out there.

    Desiree: Ja, han måste vara helt deppig nu när hans två böcker är borta. :D
